
Submitted by jim vogelsang on Sat, 03/06/2021 - 16:37

Mentoring sessions are now managed on this site.  The Mentoring link in the menu will open the Mentoring page with information.  On the page, there is a menu link to:

  • provide information about the mentoring policy
  • provide a link to the list of approved mentors and topics
  • provide a link for mentors to request mentoring sessions
  • provide a link to display requested sessions and approval status


Members can use the list of mentors and topics to arrange mentoring sessions with a mentor.

After agreement on a mentoring session, mentors can request approval of the session to ensure the session will be covered by our chapter insurance.  Only approved mentors can access and submit the request form.  When submitted, an email will be sent to obtain approval which will be documented in the session request.

The list of requested sessions and approval status is available on the last link on the page.

After completion of the mentoring session, the mentor should update the request to reflect it was completed and add any appropriate comments about the session.